Saturday, September 9, 2017

Three Principles Of Healthy Lifestyle Ala Ministry Of Health

khasiat kopi hijau

Three Principles Of Healthy Lifestyle Ala Ministry Of Health


Jakarta, a healthy lifestyle is the key to preventing disease, have the longevity and quality of life. Well, the Ministry of health had three healthy lifestyle principles which could be emulated in society. It's healthy to do physical exercise, eating fruit and vegetables, as well as health checks on a regular basis, said Health Minister Prof Nila Moeloek, found after gymnastics in the morning along the ranks of the Kemenkes, in the offices of the Ministry of health, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan Menkes Said South Jakarta. Indigo, this healthy lifestyle principles in line with the program of the healthy community Movement (Germas) was being done by the Government. Health problems would not be complete if only moves in the realm of curative (healing), but the community should also actively prevent themselves from catching the disease. Further, Dr. Lily s. Sulistyowati, um, Director of disease control is not contagious, said three principles of a healthy lifestyle, this can be done easily. However, there should be a healthy mindset to that owned by the community. If the right of his difficult because lazy move. But if we think of our bodies actually need move so healthy. If dipikirannya body we need a move, later want to exercise is also easy, he explained. Read also: Relaxing first! Study Reveals Walk Help Banish Stress far healthier eating patterns Associated with fruit and vegetable, dr Lily highlights still misunderstanding the question of the function of feeding itself. Important diet satiety and tasty not in accordance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Important do not satiety or unpalatable. The important thing is healthy, with fruit and vegetables. One day it should be 3-4 time eat the fruit on a platter and it was 50 percent vegetable, he added again. The last question of the early detection of disease, with the presence of National health coverage (JKN) managed social security governing body (BPJS) health, people have no doubt go on medical treatment. Dr Lily said there needed strengthening at Community level through the PKK cadres or Posyandu. At the community level right there are PKK, midshipman, Coral and Posyandu which I think it's pretty good huh. Its activities not only health but also the campaign's early detesi with measure blood pressure and other lid. Read also: Sitting all day at the Office? Try this custom 4 to Help Down Weights (mrs/up) kopi hijau untuk diet


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